Advanced Positive Therapies
Advanced Positive Therapies

Cognitive therapy (CBT)

CBT can help you to change how you think ('Cognitive') and what you do ('Behaviour'). These changes can help you to feel better. Unlike some of the other talking treatments, it focuses on the 'here and now' problems and difficulties. Instead of focusing on the causes of your distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve your state of mind now.


CBT is a way of talking about:

  • how you think about yourself, the world and other people
  • how what you do affects your thoughts and feelings


When does CBT help?


CBT has been shown to help with many different types of problems. These include: anxiety, depression, panic, phobias (including agoraphobia and social phobia), stress, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and psychosis. CBT may also help if you have difficulties with anger, a low opinion of yourself or physical health problems, like pain or fatigue.


How does it work?


CBT can help you to make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts. This makes it easier to see how they are connected and how they affect you. These parts are:


  • Situations - a problem, event or difficult situation. From this can follow:
  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Physical feelings
  • Actions


Each of these areas can affect the others. How you think about a problem can affect how you feel physically and emotionally. What happens in one of these areas can affect all the others. There are helpful and unhelpful ways of reacting to most situations, depending on how you think about it. The way you think can be helpful - or unhelpful.


To find out if Cognitive Therapy is right for you contact me


Taken from the Royal College of Psychiatrists website

John Mulinder


07973 262434


The Dolphin House Clinic,

New Road,



01273 324790



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